Friday, May 31, 2013

artichokes a la Polita

  • 10-12 artichoke hearts fresh or frozen or canned (use the whole can)
  • 3-4 potatoes (cut into small pieces)
  • 2-3 carrots (cut into thin slices)
  • 1,5 cup peas
  • 1,5 cup frozen sweet corn
  • 1 medium onion (finely chopped)
  • 3/4 cup olive oil
  • 1-2 lemons (juice)
  • 1/2 or a whole bunch of dill (finely chopped)
  • salt and pepper

Rinse and peel the potatoes and the carrots.
Cut the potatoes into thick pieces about 3 cm or 1, 5 inch.
Cut the carrots into thin slices. If the carrots are too thick cut them vertically into two pieces and then into slices.
Squeeze the lemon(s) and have the juice ready.
Bring a saucepan over high heat and pour the olive oil.
When the olive oil is hot add the chopped onion. Give it a toss and reduce the heat to medium.
When the onion begin to wilt and change color add the artichokes and pour over the lemon juice.
Add the carrots and about 1 cup water.
Reduce the heat to low and let to simmer for 15'.
Meanwhile check if needed to add water.
Add the peas and the potatoes and simmer for 15'.
Add the corn, simmer for other 15'.
You always have to beware if needed some water, but should have a small amount of liquid in the end (almost only the olive oil).
Add salt, pepper and the chopped dill. Toss them and simmer for 5'.


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